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mineralogy elements K Potassium

K - Potassium - ALKALI METAL

Potassium is a metallic chemical element whose symbol is K. It is the 19th most abundant element in the universe, usually found in the form of dissolved mineral salts in the oceans and soils. It is the most abundant of the three alkali metals, sodium being the second and lithium the third.

potassium is a soft, silvery metal that corrodes easily and reacts vigorously with water. In terms of physical properties, it occurs as white or gray crystals, its melting point is 63.38°C (146.1°F) and boiling point is 759°C (1400°F) . It is slightly heavier than water and very malleable.

potassium is an essential element for living beings, as it is involved in several biological processes. In particular, it is necessary for muscle contraction, the transmission of nerve impulses and the regulation of the pH of body fluids. potassium deficiency can lead to heart problems, muscle disorders and low blood pressure.

potassium is also used in construction and industry. It is a common additive in fertilizers and soil amendments because it improves crop quality and fertility. It is also used in some cosmetics for its moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties.
[Ar] 4s1
Potassium Electronic configuration diagram
Electronic configuration diagram

Name Potassium
Number 19
Atomic 39.0983
Symbol K
Fusion 63.7
Boiling 774
Density 0.862
Period 4
Group 1
Discovery 1807 Davy
Abundance 20900
Radius 2.8
Electronegativity 0.82
Ionization 4.3407
Number of isotopes 10
Electronic configuration [Ar] 4s1
Oxidation states 1
Electron by energy level 2,8,8,1

Mineral Hardness Density
Abernathyite 2.00 / 3.00 3.31
Adolfpateraite 2.00 / 2.00 4.24
Afghanite 5.50 / 6.00 2.55
Agakhanovite-(Y) 6.00 / 6.00 2.67
Agricolaite 4.00 / 4.00 3.53
Agrinierite 5.62
Ajoite 2.96
Alcaparrosaite 4.00 / 4.00 2.81
Aleksandrovite 4.00 / 4.50 3.07
Alloriite 5.00 / 5.00 2.35
Almarudite 6.00 / 6.00 2.71
Alsakharovite-Zn 5.00 / 5.00 2.90
Altisite 6.00 / 6.00 2.64
Alum-(K) 2.00 / 2.00 1.76
Alumoklyuchevskite 2.00 / 2.00 3.10
Alunite 3.50 / 4.00 2.59
Amazonite 6.00 / 6.50 2.56
Ambrinoite 3.31
Amicite 5.00 / 5.50 2.06
Ammonioleucite 5.50 / 6.00 2.29
Anandite 3.00 / 4.00 3.94
Andrianovite 5.00 / 5.00 3.02
Andyrobertsite 3.00 / 3.00 4.01
Annite 2.50 / 3.00 3.17
Anorthoclase 6.00 / 6.00 2.57
Antipinite 2.00 / 2.00 2.55
Aphthitalite 3.00 / 3.00 2.70
Aqualite 4.00 / 5.00 2.66
Arapovite 5.50 / 6.00 3.43
Arcanite 2.00 / 2.00 2.66
Archerite 2.00 / 2.00 2.00
Armbrusterite 3.50 / 3.50 2.78
Arnhemite 2.33
Arrojadite-(BaFe) 3.54
Arrojadite-(KFe) 5.00 / 5.00 3.50
Ashcroftine-(Y) 5.00 / 5.00 2.61
Aspidolite 2.00 / 3.00 2.89
Astrophyllite 3.00 / 3.50 3.30
Atlasovite 2.00 / 2.50 4.20
Avdoninite 3.00 / 3.00 3.03
Avogadrite 2.62
Balestraite 2.50 / 3.00 2.95
Bannermanite 3.50
Bannisterite 4.00 / 4.00 2.83
Baratovite 3.50 / 3.50 2.92
Bario-olgite 4.00 / 4.50 4.00
Barium-zinc alumopharmocosiderite 2.50 / 2.50
Barrerite 3.00 / 4.00 2.13
Bartonite 3.50 / 3.50 3.31
Barytolamprophyllite 2.00 / 3.00 3.62
Batiferrite 6.00 / 6.00
Batisite 5.90 / 5.90 3.43
Baylissite 2.00
Bellbergite 5.00 / 5.00 2.20
Benyacarite 2.50 / 3.00 2.40
Berezanskite 2.50 / 3.00 2.66
Biachellaite 5.00 / 5.00 2.52
Biphosphammite 1.00 / 2.00 2.04
Birnessite 1.50 / 1.50 3.00
Bluestreakite 2.00 / 2.00 2.63
Bobshannonite 4.00 / 4.00 3.79
Boleite 3.00 / 3.50 4.80
Boltwoodite 3.50 / 4.00 3.60
Bornemanite 3.50 / 4.00 3.47
Boromuscovite 2.50 / 3.00 2.81
Brannockite 5.00 / 6.00 2.98
Brewsterite-Sr 5.00 / 5.00 2.45
Brinrobertsite 1.00 / 1.00
Bubnovaite 2.66
Burnsite 1.00 / 1.50
Burovaite-Ca 2.73
Bussyite-(Ce) 3.00
Bütschliite 2.00
Bykovaite 3.00 / 3.00 2.98
Bystrite 5.00 / 5.00 2.43
Calcinaksite 5.00 / 5.00 2.62
Calcioandyrobertsite 3.00 / 3.00
Calciopetersite 3.00 / 3.00 3.33
Calciouranoite 4.00 / 4.00 4.62
Canasite 2.71
Capranicaite 2.41
Carbokentbrooksite 5.00 / 5.00 3.14
Carletonite 4.00 / 4.50 2.45
Carlosruizite 2.50 / 3.00 3.42
Carnallite 2.50 / 2.50 1.60
Carnotite 2.00 / 2.00 3.70
Carobbiite 2.00 / 2.50 2.52
Caryochroite 2.50 / 2.50 2.99
Celadonite 2.00 / 2.00 2.95