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Mineral exhibition 4 april 2020

France Cesson-Sévigné Cesson-Sévigné
35th Fossil Minerals show

35th Fossil Minerals show

From Saturday, April 4, 2020 to Sunday, April 5, 2020

1 Rue du Bac
35510 Cesson-Sévigné
France Castelginest Castelginest
33rd mineral and fossil exchange

33rd mineral and fossil exchange

From Saturday, April 4, 2020 to Sunday, April 5, 2020

4 Chemin des Barrières
31780 Castelginest
France Seyssel Seyssel
13th edition sale of minerals and fossils

13th edition sale of minerals and fossils

From Saturday, April 4, 2020 to Sunday, April 5, 2020

6 Rue des Oudets
74910 Seyssel
France Rilhac-Rancon Rilhac-Rancon
32nd exhibition of fossil mineral gems and jewelry

32nd exhibition of fossil mineral gems and jewelry

From Saturday, April 4, 2020 to Sunday, April 5, 2020

Rue du Peyrou
87570 Rilhac-Rancon
France Iteuil Iteuil
Exchange of fossils and minerals

Exchange of fossils and minerals

On Saturday, April 4, 2020

Rue des Genebres
86240 Iteuil
To discover in the shop :
Quartz crystallization Faden
430 grams | 125x85x70 mm
Madagascar Microcline
1.14 kilo | 160x70x65 mm
Polished Petrified Wood from Madagascar
1.1 kilo | 190x160x20 mm
Polished Silicified Wood from Madagascar
1.33 kilo | 230x190x20 mm
Quartz Crystallization
1.55 kilo | 200x100x70 mm
Polished Labradorite Freeform
930 grams | 135x115x45 mm
Natural Moonstone
1.36 kilo | 170x90x85 mm
Natural Ornamental Tourmaline
760 grams | 120x70x50 mm
Polished Labradorite for Decoration
770 grams | 110x90x35 mm
Madagascar Quartz
1.1 kilo | 170x120x130 mm
Polished fossilized ammonite
400 grams | 125x100x30 mm
Microcline Flame
1.14 kilo | 140x95x65 mm