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catalog : 10 products

Collection July 2023 | Stone animals

Collection of various animal sculptures made from soapstone. Soapstone, also called soapstone, is a very soft metamorphic rock, mainly composed of talc.
soapstone elephant
165 grams | 80x30x80 mm
soapstone elephant
165 grams | 80x30x80 mm
soapstone dolphin
120 grams | 65x30x110 mm
soapstone dolphin
150 grams | 75x30x65 mm
soapstone elephant
1.3 kilo | 9 items
soapstone elephant
165 grams | 80x30x80 mm
soapstone dog
145 grams | 80x30x55 mm
soapstone dolphin
150 grams | 75x30x65 mm
soapstone penguin
120 grams | 30x30x75 mm
Moose in soapstone
120 grams | 70x30x70 mm